Monday, August 29, 2011

Green Construction

Construction on # 7 & # 11 greens is going very well.  The sub grade is complete and the drainage system has been installed. A layer of pea stone on top of the sub grade is also in place and will aid in proper drainage.  The root zone mix is currently being delivered and is immediately moved into place and checked for proper depth of material.  Once we have the root zone mix in place we will begin to compact it before the final grading is completed.  Our staff will begin the installation of the irrigation system Tuesday morning and is expected to be completed on Friday.  Once the irrigation system is finished we will be able to seed the putting green surface and begin the grow in.  The Vintage Golf construction crew will continue working on the green surrounds, bunkering, and drainage.  We have only lost two working days to bad weather so we are still on schedule.

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