Friday, June 21, 2013

Establishing Collars

The new greens are looking very good and are still improving daily.  Now that we have a healthy root system established we are beginning to slowly raise the height of cut on the outside 28" to create the collar/apron.  The white paint spots are to help the guys mowing greens see the transition between the green and the collar.  Once we have the collars at the proper height we will no longer mark them with paint.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Cart Bunker First Tee

The new cart bunker and the first tee are nearing completion.  This week the blacktopping will be done, the doors will be installed and the final electrical hook-ups will be completed.  By the end of the week we should be able to move all of the golf carts into their new home.

Finishing touches are also happening on the topside of the new cart bunker.  Tee surfaces are maturing and the Bluegrass sod surrounding the tees has been laid.  This week the split rail fence will be installed and as soon as that is complete we will begin installing the landscaping.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

New Greens Ready To Play

The newly grassed greens are improving daily, now that we are seeing some sunny and warmer days. They have a way to go yet before they are perfect, but they are good enough to open for play.  The greens are still being cut higher than normal to aid in the maturing process so they will putt pretty slow until we start dropping the height of cut.  We are topdressing and rolling weekly to help the maturing process along, but it is vital for the long term health of the greens that we be patient and not stress them to quickly.