Tuesday, September 24, 2013

We have begun fairway aeration on the front nine holes and when they are complete we will start on the back nine holes.  We are well aware that everyone hates this process, but it is one of the most important agronomic processes that we do.  To minimize the inconvenience to our members we are only aerifying what can be completed each day.

The picture above is the finished product.  Not bad!

Friday, July 26, 2013

This week we had an arborist come in and install lightning protection on the Bur Oak near the green on hole #2.  This Bur Oak is one of the most beautiful specimens you will ever see, and it is critical to the way the hole plays.  A lightning rod was installed on each of the large main branches and is attached to a copper wire leading to a 10' ground rod buried outside the drip line.  If lightning were to strike, the electrical charge will be carried through the cable system and discharged through the ground rod, hopefully preventing any serious damage to the tree. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Our new bentgrass greens have developed a deep and dense root system that will help them survive throughout the heat and humidity stresses of July and August.  You can see the roots sticking out at the bottom of this sample.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Establishing Collars

The new greens are looking very good and are still improving daily.  Now that we have a healthy root system established we are beginning to slowly raise the height of cut on the outside 28" to create the collar/apron.  The white paint spots are to help the guys mowing greens see the transition between the green and the collar.  Once we have the collars at the proper height we will no longer mark them with paint.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Cart Bunker First Tee

The new cart bunker and the first tee are nearing completion.  This week the blacktopping will be done, the doors will be installed and the final electrical hook-ups will be completed.  By the end of the week we should be able to move all of the golf carts into their new home.

Finishing touches are also happening on the topside of the new cart bunker.  Tee surfaces are maturing and the Bluegrass sod surrounding the tees has been laid.  This week the split rail fence will be installed and as soon as that is complete we will begin installing the landscaping.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

New Greens Ready To Play

The newly grassed greens are improving daily, now that we are seeing some sunny and warmer days. They have a way to go yet before they are perfect, but they are good enough to open for play.  The greens are still being cut higher than normal to aid in the maturing process so they will putt pretty slow until we start dropping the height of cut.  We are topdressing and rolling weekly to help the maturing process along, but it is vital for the long term health of the greens that we be patient and not stress them to quickly.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Conveyor Moving Root Zone Mix

Conveyor moving 200 tons of root zone mix to the roof of the cart building.

Rooftop Tee

We have the soil on the rooftop of the cart bunker now and have graded it smooth. As soon as the rest of the grading is done surrounding the building we will be able to install the irrigation and complete the finish grade in preparation for the new sod. Once the sod is installed it will take at least four weeks to be rooted well enough to play from.

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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Cart Bunker Update

The waterproofing has been completed, so today we installed the "root stop" fabric and most of the drainage system. On Monday the soil will be conveyed to the roof so we can start leveling in preparation to installing the new sod.

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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Drainage maintenance

Flaws in our drainage system became obvious this week after receiving more than 5" of rain. This 4" drain tile was completely plugged with Willow tree roots. We cleaned out the roots and replaced the tile, now the fairway is draining again.

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Monday, March 25, 2013

March 2012
We have had a long snowy and cold winter and are anxiously waiting for the arrival of spring.  It is actually good that we have had constant snow cover to protect our turf from the bitter strong winds of winter.  Without the snow cover the cold winds dry out the turfgrass and root zone causing death through desiccation.

However, a Golf Course Superintendents greatest fear during the winter months is prolonged ice coverage.  While some ice formation is normal heavy rain events followed by extremely cold temperatures provide the greatest opportunity for

March 2013
winter damage.  Even though turf goes into dormancy during the winter it is still alive and needs oxygen, as well as expelling carbon dioxide.  Gas exchange is severely limited underneath thick ice coverage that persists for months on end.  Without proper gas exchange, the turfgrass may suffocate and die. 

I have been around to all of our greens recently and I have not found any ice build-up that would cause concern.  We will continue to monitor the situation and begin our push to have the new greens open on time.  All we need now is a little help from Mother Nature.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Retaining Walls

The retaining wall on the south end of the new cart bunker is almost complete.  The cap needs to be completed and then the back fill put in place and it will be done.  The retaining wall on the north end should be completed by weeks end.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The walls and roof of the new cart bunker are finished.  Next is the waterproofing, insulating and then back filling the east and south walls.

Back Right Of Back Tee Looking Down Fairway

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The west and north walls have been poured

We were fortunate to have a warm couple of days between the cold Arctic blasts allowing us to get the final 2 walls poured.  After the forms are stripped on Monday or Tuesday we will be ready to set the roof panels.

Monday, January 14, 2013

East & South Walls Poured

The footings were poured early last week and  Friday the south and east walls were poured.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Cart Bunker Update

The tee has been moved out of the way and the site is ready for the surveyor to come and stake out the building foot print. The surveyor is scheduled for Monday morning.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Cart Bunker Started

We have started the excavation for the new cart bunker. They have moved approximately 75% of the old #1 tee and should be done moving the remainder by tomorrow afternoon.

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