Saturday, September 29, 2012

Greens Update

The new greens are really filling in nicely. We are now mowing them every three days and may have to go to every other soon.

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Greens Update

Despite the recent cold temperatures and early morning frosts we are seeing the turf density improving on our newly seeded greens. We have dug out some of our old green covers and have borrowed some from Geneva National Golf Club. The covers act similar to a greenhouse and we are using them to speed up germination and establishment.

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Two weeks Old

It's been two weeks since we seeded the greens and they are coming along nicely. On Friday we cut the greens for the first time. Some greens are thicker than others but that is expected. On Monday we will interseed the thin areas to get them filled in quicker.

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Thursday, September 6, 2012

What A Difference One Day Makes

The 18th green was seeded on Friday and the 15th green was seeded on Saturday.  Quite a bit of difference between the two greens in regard to germination with just a 24 hour difference.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

We Have Germination

We seeded greens on Friday and  Saturday and on Tuesday morning we have seedlings pushing their way through the sand topdressing to soak up the life giving sunshine.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Seeding Has Been Completed

We began seeding the greens on Friday morning, but as the day went on the wind picked up so we had to use a little ingenuity to block the wind so we could continue.  It's a good thing we kept going because we finished Saturday afternoon just minutes before it began to rain.  Our focus is now bringing the new seedlings to maturity and going into winter with strong and healthy plants.