Thursday, June 28, 2012

Mosquito Season

Mosquito season is upon us so when you are looking for protection, please consider lotions, wipes or pump bottles of insect repellent rather than an aerosol type product. If you prefer the aerosol type, DO NOT apply aerosol insect repellent while standing on greens, tees or fairways. The propellant in the can will burn grass blades.  Note the footprints in the photo.
Damage From Mosquito Spray

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Red Tails Are Flying

When you are out on #6 listen and watch for the Red Tail Hawks. Mother and Juveniles can be heard communicating from opposite ends of the driving range. If your real lucky you might even see her teaching them how to hunt.

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Monday, June 11, 2012

Please Repair Your Ballmarks

In the photo each flag is marking an unfixed or improperly fixed ball mark. An unrepaired ball mark will give annual bluegrass (Poa annua) an opening to germinate and contaminate our bentgrass greens.  There is not a chemical control for Poa annua yet that doesn't also adversely affect the bentgrass.  Growth regulators help keep Poa annua invasion to a minimum but it does not provide total control.  Our staff is using all of the tools that are currently available to contol Poa annua, but we need everyones help to keep our greens free of Poa annua.