Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Course Looks Like It's June

We have some of our staff here and preparing the golf course for a season that has started like I have never seen before. Today we started up the irrigation system so we can water sod that was installed last fall.

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Summer Has Arrived

It's been a wild week! We are having weather that feels like mid-June already. I have had to start a few of our staff members early so we can get the course cleaned up and start mowing. Today we mowed the greens, collers, and approaches. This is the earliest we have ever started mowing in the 32 years I've been here. There was no frost in the ground this year and the soil temperature is already approaching 60 degrees. I have more of the staff coming in on Monday so we can finish cleaning the course and keep up with the mowing.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Spring Approaching and Education

Winter is coming to an end and we are anxious to get out on the course and begin cleaning up.  As I am writing this we still have about two inches of snow, but the temperature is expected to climb to 55 degrees today, so this may be the last we see of accumulated snow for the year.  Once the snow is gone I will go out and scout for winter damage due to disease or desiccation. 

Last week I attended the GCSAA (Golf Course Superintendents Assn.) conference and show in Las Vegas.  Educational seminars are offered every day and the equipment display is open for two days.  It’s a great opportunity to view the equipment and speak with the engineers for any piece of equipment that is being considered for purchase.  It is also a great opportunity to visit with colleagues that I haven’t seen in a year or so.  While at the show I attended several seminars that provided information that relates directly to projects that we are undertaking here at LGCC.  Networking with others that have already completed projects that we are planning is invaluable.